Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Analyzing Dorkiness

Random quote of the day: "Well at least you ain't stahvin'."

-What Mr. Mikami, Kevin Mikami's dad, said after he saw Kev when Kev got back from his first semester at Fuller Seminary's Seattle campus. The implication is pretty obvious :)

Have you ever felt like an absolute dork? Relationships can be like that. I explained it to Kevin like this: when we talk about our sins, even in speaking of the ways we fall short and whatnot, we can still feel a little bit like we're spiritually macho and cool, because we realize what's going wrong, and we're attacking it appropriately. We're reading John Owen and mortifying sin, we're memorizing Romans 6 and 7, we're "hitting each other in the throat with accountability" as Scott puts it. It's like lifting weights; if we can't get the weight up and we're asking for a spot, there's no shame in that, right? We've "failed" in a cool and acceptable way! BUT. It's totally different when we're dealing with a girl. Oh my goodness. When we're spiritual dorks with a girl, it's like having a dream about getting caught putting on your mom's makeup. Although there's just no denying that in the dream you were a total loser and now all your friends are laughing at you, it's still just that: a dream. Forget about it. No harm, right? Riiiiiiight. Kev told me I'll get used to it. I hope so.

It was a lot nicer when my big worry was that I couldn't get the 65 lb. weights up, you know?

posted by Bolo | 9:23 PM
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