Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Focus, Fall '04

Last night, Boyce held the first Focus, the once-a-semester night of prayer and fasting, for the 2004 - 2005 school year. In some ways, I think I was a little disappointed, and perhaps even a little distracted by the lack of students there. Many of those I thought would be there simply weren't, and many others left to engage in activities that weren't so...well...well-focused.

Perhaps I'm still bummed out by the lack of bugs me for some reason. Don't get me wrong, it's not that Jesus wasn't savored; it's just that something like Focus is what sets Boyce apart as a college, and to see an opportunity like that tossed aside or not even considered by so many students is disheartening. Those who were there, I believe, were led to enjoy Jesus. But I don't think I would be alone in my misgivings about the lack of our fellow students.

Several weeks ago, I reflected on our student leadership retreat, and the love for one another that was so tangible. I reflected on how we had gathered to gaze upon the Lord together, and how that gazing was made sweeter by our being together. That's what was missing last night; Jesus was still sweet, but I missed having some of my fellow ministers of the gospel there with me. It was the corporate aspect of worship that was difficult for me really savor, and for that, I hunger. It is not wrong that I should desire that; God designed us for fellowship, and for worship with our brethren. Many of the psalms were meant to be sung aloud, and were written so as to be sung to one another. *Sigh*...I think that's what I missed last night.

Still, I'm grateful for those that were there. God moved our hearts to engage with Him, and as Scott reminded us at Focus last Spring, the prayers of a righteous man avail much.

posted by Bolo | 1:19 PM
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