Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Bloggety blog blog blog

There's always plenty of opportunity to catalog the silly and varied happenings in my life at Boyce College. The other night, for instance, Rob had this strange look on his face as he burst into Juheyurf's room because he'd just discovered that it's possible that he may actually like girls. Before you question Rob's moral bent, however, be aware that Rob has constantly stated that he wants to be able to be single.

Hah! And I'm Swedish!

That same night, I was conversing with Pablo about various random issues, and during the course of our conversation, I managed to snag some rather out-of-context phrases out of him. For instance, he said, "I want married couples to have lots of sex." Alright, Pablo! Good for you!

You get the idea :)

There've been countless times when I've caught myself thinking, "oh my...that'd make a HILARIOUS blog entry!" Kristin Wicker's goose was one such, and I'll never forget Poenie's classic encounter with Chris Spires. Yet, for each goosing outside Dean Scroggins' office and each cafeteria classic that I publish, there's bound to be two or three more that I forget about during the course of the day.

All of that to say there's now a new section on the right with links to some other folks in my sphere of influence who keep their own blogs, and do indeed blog regularly. They'll help me keep up with the things I miss, both facetious and factually fascinating. I'm sure there are a couple out there that I'm forgetting about, so if you'd like to be added to the list, shoot me a line. As Billy the Kid was fond of saying, "I'll make ya famous."

posted by Bolo | 11:58 PM
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