Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Less than eight hours 'til I'm supposed to meet in the North and South Gallery for student ambassador training. What am I still doing awake?

Scott got back today...the buzzcut's gone, replaced by a little bit of shag up top. *Sigh*...soon, all the madness of a new school year will begin, which signals the real end of summer...forget what the weather dudes say. Textbooks will be borrowed 'cause I ain't paying no stinkin' $70 for a single book, new students will be brought up to speed on all the old jokes (like how Dr. Draper is The Man That Not Even God Can Kill), and each new student who has even a remote connection to Hawai'i will tell me about it ("Oh, I had a second cousin on my mom's stepdad's side that married a guy who had a hairdresser that walked a dog for a college professor who once flew over Hawai'i from Los Angeles on the way to...oh, where was it?"). So is almost here :)

Oh, and I cleaned my room today. Like, CLEANED it. Clean enough to get Mon excited about it. That's REALLY clean. Snaps for John! (Legally Blonde 2 reference. Yes, I watched it. Shutup.)

Humility is a harsh lesson, you know? I find this summer's been full of it, whether or not I like it. I was telling Leeman a while ago that I didn't want to come into the school year for the sake of distracting me from the other distractions; I still hold the same conviction. It comes down to the delights of my heart. Is the Lord truly the strength of my heart? Can I say with full conviction that His nearness is my good? Would I be able to joyfully agree with Augustine that I love God too little if I love anything together with Him, which I love not for His sake? Oh, how little I delight in the Lord! And yet, is not His grace sufficient for me? Does He not delight in taking those who are dead in their sins and making them righteous, making them holy, making them delighters in the living and eternal and sweetly condescending God? Absolutely!

Such thoughts are not reason for arrogance. No...humility is a harsh lesson at times...yet, how sweet it is when we acquiesce to God's gracious act of humbling us :)

Less than eight hours 'til student ambassador training. And you know what? I'm hungry.

posted by Bolo | 12:17 AM
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