Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



So. Classes started for us today, believe it or not. How I managed to get through orientation, I'm not sure, but here I am! I believe a quick review of orientation is in order, so here it is :)

Yesterday was absolutely great. I don't think there was any one point where I knew exactly what my duties were, since I had responsibilities to both the Admissions Office (Ambassador stuff) and Student Life (Howdy Group Leader stuff) to fulfill. Still, I had a blast, and I'd do it over again in a heartbeat, no questions asked. The total number of incoming students numbered somewhere around 175, putting Boyce's student body at just under 700. Crazy, isn't it? Just about all of the new students I spoke to had great things to say about their orientation experience. From my perspective, that's extremely encouraging, because that's exactly what we were shooting for.

Scott delivered a great "speech" to the new students yesterday afternoon. Essentially, he unpacked Christ-likeness, pumped our systems with it, then packed it up again for us to carry away with us. *Sigh*'ll be a great school year :)

My Howdy Group has been an amazing blessing, and I'm looking forward to meeting with them over the upcoming semester. Bailey's been a great co-leader, and even though I refuse to tell this to her too often, I think highly of her. (If she ever reads this, I'm SO'll ruin the image, ya know? Hehe...) The blessings have already been many, and I look forward to the many that will continue to pour forth from God's sovereign, loving, merciful, and righteous hand.

Oh! I cannot forget Kristin Wicker, our Women's Student Life Coordinator, in all of this. She's been Da Bomb Diggity! I'll go on record by saying that she was near tears yesterday when she gathered us up to to thank us for the work we put in for orientation. But you know what? I think she reacted that way because she really felt this was something that needed to be done well, and therefore had put in far more work than any of us really knew (or ever will know) about. But you know what? We didn't need to know then, and we don't need to know now. We do what we do for the King, not for Kristin, and she knows that. That's why she asked us to help, and that's why we joyfully labor on :)

Oh! One more thing about Kristin! Her new name is "Gooser." Why? 'Cause when we were done taking the group picture with the student leaders and staff, she goosed one of the girls. Guess who saw it and told her he would be putting that in his blog? Hehehehehe :) Here's to Gooser!

posted by Bolo | 11:12 PM
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