Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


News from Da Surf Crew

Talked to Mr. Mikami last night for the first time in...oh...something like a month and a half. Has it been that long? Probably. He said that when I'd call and he wouldn't answer, Priscilla would ask him why he didn't just talk to me for a few minutes and then call back later. His response to her query? "You don't understand...I can't just talk to him for a few minutes...I have block off this HUGE chunk of time to talk to him." helps a guy's ego to know he's appreciated, you know?

Our conversation last night varied a bunch...purity issues, girl issues, sin issues, dream issues, intimacy with and obedience to God issues, life issues...I know we had some moments that seemed pretty profound :) Too bad I can't seem to remember any of that stuff right now. *Shrug*

On another long-lost-friend note, Brian emailed me from Japan and told me he got to hop in the water over there and do a little surfing. It wasn't anything great, but he said just to be able to say he did it was enough. *Sigh*...Boss is surfing the Land of the Rising Sun...the motherland! That is, my motherland, not his :)

Speaking of surfing, on Saturday Andrew said he hadn't been surfing in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Fortunately for him, he was on his way to meet Brit at Diamond Head. Unfortunately for us, Diamond Head isn't exactly known for its great cell-phone reception; we got cut off. I look forward to hearing about the latest Wave Offering he offered up on my behalf :)

posted by Bolo | 2:36 PM
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