Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Q & A

Yesterday...or was it today...I sent off an email to a friend of mine. We hadn't really been in touch in the past year, so we've had a lot to catch up on. Since it was one of those situations of, "where do I start? There's so much that's happened..." With Jenn, we hadn't talked in like...two years? Yeah, it's gotta be near there, since we had breakfast before I left to come here. Oh, but I think she did call me once this past winter, while I was sitting down at dinner for our Winter Formal. Hehe :)

Anyway, I wrote up a list of questions that would help her get her thoughts rolling. They're pretty open-ended, but still specific. I decided to post 'em here, and if any of you so desire to answer them...feel free :)

1. What are the biggest lessons God has taught you through your EXPERIENCES?

2. What are the most memorable lessons God has taught you through SCRIPTURE?

3. What PEOPLE has God used to influence and change you most?

4. What experiences that we've SHARED in as friends did God use to

help you through some trials?

5. What MEMORIES that we've shared in as friends mean the most to you

now? (Stuff that makes you smile, stuff that makes you cry, stuff

that makes you shake your head and go, "God is GOOD!")

6. What do you CHERISH the most about your walk with the Lord now?

7. What FUTURE possibilities make you the most excited?

posted by Bolo | 9:55 PM
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