Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



You know what?  I'm a fool.  My mom would say, "don't say that!  The words of your mouth..."  She always would say something like that.  But I mean what I said...I'm a fool.  If I were wise, God would shame me, would He not?  Absolutely!  But that's not I'm talking about here.  No, what I speak of is this: Jesus said that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.  The yoke was what they used to work the fields with the oxen; one ox would bear the yoke with another, and not only would the burden be shared between the two, but if one were prone to straying, the other could keep it on track.  In this manner, the fields were tilled.  So it is with us and Jesus.  We are wayward, yet He is the one who bears the burden, and it is He who keeps us on track. 


Yet my foolishness overwhelms me!  I want to live my life under my terms, under my strength, hoping I'll gain Jesus' praise.  Foolishness!  To what end?  *Sigh*...I pull the yoke on my own, toiling endlessly and wearily, hoping that somehow my work will delight the heart of God. 


Life should be really simple, when you get right down to it.  We're to follow Christ in obedience...what He says should go.  But oh, how foolishly I stray from that!  I'll take on various tasks or titles, thinking that they give my life significance.  They add to the weight of the yoke and cause the work to go astray.  I'll pull away from where Christ is leading; soon, I'm not even doing something that holds the appearance of righteousness.  A friend of mine just told me that I "look good," refering to my current attire.  The thought that popped into my mind?  Looks can be deceiving.  I say that not to be cynical, but to check myself.  Am I deceptive?  Am I putting myself under the yoke of Christ?  Am I allowing Him to bear my burdens, to lead me in His way and His time?  *Sigh*...yes, I'm a fool.  But it's a good thing that God loves this fool, you know?

posted by Bolo | 2:36 PM
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