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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Glorious Gazing

"I thought to myself, surely this is one thing implied in John 17:26 - that the day is coming when I will have the capacity to delight in the Son the way the Father does. My fragile eyes will get the power to take in the glory of the Son shining in his full strength just the way the Father does. The pleasure God has in his Son will become my pleasure, and I will not be consumed, but enthralled forever."

-John Piper, The Pleasures of God

I sat in Chris (it's actually Chriyus...that's how he says his name...he's from 'Bama) Davis' room a little while ago, and read that little bit from Piper's book. It's an amazing thought...that I would be able to gaze upon the glory of the Son. Such a gazing is not one that is taken lightly...such a gazing is one that should, by all rights and consequences, cause me to be shuddering in horror and shame.

But it is not. The thought of gazing upon the glorious Son had me grinning from ear to ear in Chriyus' room and letting out a loud "woohoo!" I, who have no real capacity to partake of even the tiniest bit of the pleasures of the Son, can look forward to the fullness of the glory displayed in the face of Christ. Such is mine, for it is promised, it is sealed by the Holy Spirit, and it is Truth.

posted by Bolo | 9:22 PM
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