Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


"Sup, G!"

6 am to 2 pm. 7 pm to 7 am. 7 pm to 7 am. 3 pm to 10 pm. That was what my work schedule for this weekend (Friday through Sunday) looked like until yesterday; someone else wanted some hours, so I gave up that last 3 pm to 10 pm slot. One full eight hour, and two twelve hour shifts...that'll help pay the bills, which is great. It's good study time, too, which is good; I've got a mid-term and a short paper coming up for Monday.

The question is, how much will I actually study? Hehe ;)

Last night I was excited, 'cause it was my turn to lead. Mon, Dave, Jon, and I gathered in the living room somewhere around 9:30ish. We started out by praying, then reading a passage from Joel 2, asking the Lord to rend our hearts. We then read through passages in Hosea, then the crucifixion story, and then partook of the Lord's Supper together. (Mon made unleavened Communion Bread, but I thought it looked like a big cookie.) It was great to sit there and meditate on the Cross, just the four of us, a unique mix of four people that equate into a family of sorts.

I think this Easter is by far the most meaningful one in my life, to this point. It's not because I'm away from home or anything, either; rather, I think feel a much keener awareness of the Cross. (If I sound like I've already played this tune over and over again, get used to it...the Cross isn't going away, and I'm not going to close my eyes to it.) The sheer weight of it has hit me's become so much bigger and harder for me to grasp, yet I think I feel grasped by it all the is, in a very paradoxical way, simpler as well. That's a good thing, and I praise God for it.

One last note. Cleve just gave me the reason Gmail will rock: "G for grand!" I love Cleve...we greet one another in elvish :)

posted by Bolo | 4:34 PM
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