Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


I can only imagine...

A week ago, we, the Boyce Junkies, were on our way to Country Lake Christian Retreat for our annual Spring Retreat. This time, however, was different, as we had a co-ed camp. The retreat was great, and Scott and I both agreed that it went very well.

What a difference a week makes. Today the campus is in a much different mood. Spring Reading Days are upon us, and with that comes a sense of desertion. Those still around are knocking on doors, peeking into dorm rooms, and making recollections of recent converstions in an attempt to tally up who's here and who's not. Me being me, am still here, and will be here pretty much the whole week. I'll probably go with Royce to Franklin, Kentucky, for a day or so to stay with him and his family. *Sigh* I type, yet another fellow Boyce student is leaving the fourth floor of Carver, on his way toward sunnier skies...friends and family...three to five and glassy at Kewalo's...lunch at Kua'aina...dinner at mom's...dawn patrol with Andrew and Brian...oh wait...that's not them :)

This weekend is Preview Weekend at Boyce, with prospective students making their way onto campus to check out the school. Last night we played Capture The Flag, which always draws a decent crop of prospective students. Blind Brandon pulled off what is already known as one of the greatest captures in Boyce CTF history during the second game: a sprint that turned into a sliding capture as he went down the hill, right through the heart of the orange defense. I had a perfect view of it...oh my about sweet! People will be talking about this one for a while...I'll make sure of it :)

Alrighty...I gotta head down to the Patio Room to play some Mafia...

posted by Bolo | 7:37 PM
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