Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



I had a couple of interesting conversations last night...first with Brian, than with Garcia. God continues to humble me and use me...why, I don't think I'll ever fully understand.

I realized once more in my conversation with Brian that I'm still very much prone to failure - yet God uses me, changes me, and works through those failures. I also realized how precious a blessing humility is. I'm so blind to my arrogance, yet God continues to humble me in gentle and patient ways...I can only pray that He'll continue to do that. Bob Kauflin, when he was at our PTS meeting a couple weeks ago, reminded us that God gives grace to the humble. In other words, God works a certain way in our lives only when we're humble. *Sigh*...that's a hard truth to swallow. It's also an encouraging one, because I'm so very much prone to walk in pride, not humility. Knowing God's gracious ways toward the humble encourages me to be just that, because there's no way I want to miss out on God's blessing.

Speaking to Garcia...*sigh*...sometimes it's like talking to a girl, in that I often wonder if he'll ever get it. Hehe...I'll probably get in trouble for that one...oh well...I just got off an eight hour overnight shift...I'll justify my silliness to my current state of sleep deprivation :) Still, I love him. I was able to take him straight to God's word and walk him through Scripture. That in and of itself is always amazing to me, because when I do that with someone I'm reminded of my own standing before God in Christ. Yes, it's a sweet blessing.

Will those lessons and memories from just a few hours ago stick with me this week? I hope so. I'm headed to Franklin, Kentucky in less than twelve hours with Royce. I'll be staying with him and his family for a couple of days...I pray the time will be a blessing to everyone.

posted by Bolo | 7:47 AM
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