Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Reason #44 why Boyce College Rocks: Focus. Last semester's was much bigger, but the one we had last night was pretty cool, too. Thirty or so students gathered in Boyce Chapel at midnight to fast from sleep in order to pray, worship, and focus our hearts on the Lord. I must admit, I had a REALLY hard time staying awake. Last semester, we went on three "prayer walks" around campus, and by the third one near 5 am, Scott and I were praying prayers that went something like this: "'re awesome...yeah......thanks Lord..." and such. Yeah, we laughed at the depth (or lack thereof) of our spiritual-sounding prayers, too :) Before our first prayer walk early this morning, I told him my prayers were going to sound like those from that third prayer walk. He could only grin and and laugh and hope with me that I wouldn't sound too stupid :)

With that in mind, Scott said something that I don't want to forget. After that initial prayer walk, we gathered in Boyce Chapel again, and he shared a thought that had hit him earlier in the night. He reminded us that God's word says the prayers of a righteous man avail much. I am, by God's definition (not mine), a righteous man. Therefore, my prayers avail much. Much. Why was this significant? Sometimes we pray based upon how we feel, not upon the truths of God. Scott urged us to pray with faith, encouraging us with the truth that our prayers would avail much.

I've noticed that my prayer life has been somewhat dry as of late. Why? To be utterly honest, I sometimes don't feel like praying. But feelings shouldn't determine my prayer life; truth should. God is faithful to turn my affections toward Him as I seek Him humbly and desperately in prayer...I have to remember that. Pray for me, that I would be praying. Why? My prayers avail much. So do yours. Remember that.

posted by Bolo | 9:33 PM
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