Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


The Leeman Principle

I told Jonathan last week (or sometime thereabouts) that I'd come to a rather profound realization. Yesterday, I gave it a name. I call it The Leeman Principle. It's quite silly, yet true. It goes like this: The more and more I get to know Jonathan Leeman, the less and less impressed I become with him.

Some friend I am, huh? :)

In all seriousness, Jonathan can be a very impressive individual when you meet him. Intelligent, articulate, thoughtful, and in his own quirky way, even charming. Yet, for all those admirable attributes, he'll do things that make you shake your head, rub your eyes to make sure you saw clearly, and question his sanity. Classic example: On the way to the orchestra last year, I'm watching Jonathan attempt to get onto the Interstate. The thing is, he's in the wrong lane. Small problem, right? Wrong. The lane he's in is sporting some very quickly oncoming traffic. You know, it was ever so amusing to watch him try to hop the median to get back into our lane. *Sigh*...I love that dork :)

It's not simply that he does dorky things. Goodness gracious, I'm one of the dorkiest people of all time. But with Jonathan, it's the strange and unexpected conglomeration of such suave class and eloquence with silly seventh-grade awkwardness and airheadedness that causes one to question just how in the world Jonathan became Jonathan. I think that's one of those things that only God truly knows, and God's not telling.

posted by Bolo | 10:12 AM
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