Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Sunday night, I asked Kayla, my ten year-old niece, how her Valentine's Day had been. She replied by saying that she'd had a "very painful Valentine's Day." My immediate thought? You're TEN YEARS OLD! You're not allowed to have PAINFUL Valentine's Days! Fortunately, wisdom prevailed, and I didn't voice my thoughts. She said she had an outer ear ache something or other, and it was so bad that she couldn't even eat hard foods. Very painful indeed.

I asked Kyle, my eight year-old nephew, if he'd been reading his bible. He said he was. I then asked him what he'd been reading. I got a long silence, followed by, "ummm...some stuff I already knew, and some stuff I didn't already know." I asked him what he'd read that he hadn't already know. I got a long silence, followed by "ummm...I forget." So I asked him what he'd read that he had already known. I got a long silence, followed by "ummm...I forget. Oh, when God helped the people walk through the sea." At least he's reading his bible!

When I was talking to Kason (the three year-old nephew), I would ask him yes or no questions. I constantly heard Steph in the background saying, "Uncle John can't see you nod your head! You have to say, 'yes!'" Aaaahhh, I miss those kids :)

posted by Bolo | 12:02 PM
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