Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



If you see something different about the blog, you're right, something is different. I've added titles :) To be more precise, I've had titles enabled all along, and have written in titles for most of the entries, but didn't bother to see why they didn't show up. Today, I figured, "why not?" So, I dug around a bit, found that I had to edit the template code a little, did the editing, and woosh! I now have titles! And yet one more thing over which to ponder as I write entries...

Snow covered our beloved campus as we had our Convocation Chapel Service. Dr. Mohler got decked out in his funky red and black robes, along with the honkin' hugemongous bomboocha Seminary Seal (think medallion) hanging on his chest. He preached on John 3:1-21, talking about the simplicity of the Gospel, and how we ought not to forget it. In some ways, it reminded me of Chip's message last night from Romans 2:17-23. He had the gall to substitute the words "Jew" and "Law" with "Christian" and "Bible" :) Try reading that passage like'll be somewhat cutting to you, methinks. Anyway, the kinship of those two messages was found in the what Dr. Mohler said about Nicodemus, the man to whom Jesus was speaking in John 3. The big Digglety Migglety said that Nicodemus was a man whose credentials could be compared to a modern-day seminary graduate, yet still was shown to be foolish by Jesus. Chip was talking about living up to what we preach. Different passages, different truths, yet the same result in my heart. I've got a lot of growing to do...

posted by Bolo | 1:09 PM
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