Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


For Brian

You know who you are. You're the one who's tired...weary...longing for a break...and you haven't even woken up. You wonder if anyone cares, if you're the only one who is going to be left behind, or if God even has a plan...for you. You sit, alone in the dark, too heartbroken to count the tears as they fall. You sit, alone in the dark, feeling exactly like that: utterly alone, utterly in the dark.

You know who you are. You smile at the passerby, but secretly frown when contemplating what's on the inside. You know exactly where you are, but have no idea where you're going. Strangely, both seem to be the same place: nowhere important. You wonder where the joy went, you wonder why life seems so unfair. You begin to wonder, "when will God show he cares?"

I know who you are. You are the one I'll always are the one God has forever loved. You are the one who doubts yourself. You've got it half right, since God wants you to trust only in Him. You are the one I cannot be there for. God is the One who's never left, and who never will. Remember, God knows who you are :)

posted by Bolo | 5:24 PM
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