Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Today's post is one where I'm going to start typing, and whatever comes out comes out. (Note: This could be offensive, or could possibly get me into trouble. If what I write is particularly amusing, I may get kicked out of school and sent back home!)

I've been going through shopping withdrawals. Every once in a while, I'll look at someone wearing something I find particularly interesting, either because of the fabric itself, its texture, or perhaps the style of the garment, and go, "!" I know. I pay way too much attention to what's on my body. Carol Moreno would have gone into an epileptic seizure to read this now. Well, maybe not now...a few years ago she would've :)

Scott Davis works in Admissions here on campus. A few weeks ago, he asked me to consider becoming a Student Ambassador at Boyce next year. What they do is recruit for the school, but from the point of view of the student...those of us who actually go through the daily grind, and not simply sit around in an office thinking everything is always hunky-dory. It's a great thing, really, and I'm looking forward to doing it. I'd give tours to prospective students, make phone calls to see how they're doing in the admissions process, and go on one trip a year. Mon used to do it for the Seminary, but she had to stop because the Seminary Ambassadors have to make donor phone calls, which take up waaaay too much time. The only reason I can figure out they want me is I'd fulfill so many of the minority requirements...I'm one of those people who has to check the "Other" box under "Race" on all the forms :) On top of that, I'm one of the few people that can go around campus yelling, "I'm not Baptist!!" The school gets all sorts of non-mainstream perspective with me :)

posted by Bolo | 11:29 AM
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