Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Reason #92 why Boyce College Rocks: The Orchestra. It was our Winter Formal event, and I actually did go, sans date. I reasoned, however, that if I didn't go with a date, then I'd have to look good enough for two people. Mission accomplished ;) All svelteness on my part aside, we had a blast, and managed to forget about the crazy, zany finals for several hours.

On another note...

There are lines from an old John Newton hymn that read like this:

If justice was my only plea

My tears would all be vain

How can the Holy welcome me

For I the Lord have slain

With those lines, Newton conveys the truth that not only has Christ died for us, but because of us. Were I the very soldier pounding the nails through Christ's flesh and into wood, I still would not be any more guilty of His death than I am now. Why am I guilty of His death? 'Tis my sin, vile and malignant, unrelenting in its offense toward God, that has nailed Christ to His horrible and glorious cross. And yet, each morning when I am shocked out of my slumber by my phone's alarm (none too gently, I might add), I do not remember that precious truth. I forget that He died not just for me, but because of me. I forget that His dying on the cross and rising again is *enough*. I forget that no matter how much I may foolishly (and sinfully) try, I cannot add to His grace.

Amazing Grace, indeed.

posted by Bolo | 10:08 AM
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