Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


It's been One Week...

I've noticed something about myself recently. It's not something I'm entirely proud of, either. In fact, it's something I'm very much ashamed of. I've noticed that I have become very good at putting up a front...not letting people, in essence, in deceit. For some reason, I've let this false notion that I must always be "ok" creep into my soul. I've always though that I've done a pretty good job articulating how I'm doing. Is that really the case? Or am I mistaking my own pride for spiritual maturity?

When I was talking with Jeff the other night, he asked me what God taught me about Himself stands out the most from this past semester. At the top of the list, I told him, was God's sovereignty. Why that? It's because He's shown me, through various circumstances and the teachings I've received, that He alone is in control...not me. I've told that to others; but I wonder now, do I live it? Have I become so "close" to God, that I no longer feel awed by Him? No; for when one is truly close to God, one cannot help but be awed by Him. I'm thinking that maybe what God is doing right now is showing me how foolish I've been; the good thing is, when God shows His children what fools they are, He always does so lovingly.

posted by Bolo | 4:22 PM
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