Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



I think it was Dr. Akin. He was preaching on disappointment in ministry, and he related to us the story of a young man who, when faced with the frustrations of hundreds of ministers turning away from not only ministry, but the God they supposedly loved, wanted to leave his own ministry training at a seminary Dr. Akin was at. Dr. Akin told us that he sat there as the young man related his frustrations, giving example after example of people who should have been living lives "above reproach," but certainly were not. Dr. Akin told us that he sat there for a while, and listened as those cases were laid out. His response? One I forget far too often: people have and will disappoint us, but Jesus has never disappointed, and never will.

I'm thinking about that message today because I need to. Disappointment has run wild as of myself, in people, in circumstances...*sigh*. But God has not disappointed. I've not understood all He's done, but that's not disappointment. I told Scott today that this break has been tough. I find myself struggling with both the small and the big. I find myself wondering why I'm here. Am I fit for this school? Am I fit for ministry? Those questions (and more) are pondered daily, and yet I find no answer, save Dr. Akin's: Jesus has never disappointed me.

You know what? I find myself feeling like that young man Dr. Akin told us about. I, too, wonder about those who taint people's taste of the God they once loved. I wonder what taste I'm giving to people of Christ: sweet, or bitter? How do you convey God's sweetness when you yourself are still trying to wash away the backwash of bitterness? How do you convey hope, when doubt is the ever-present monkey on your back?

And yet, when I look upon myself, I must remember that what I see is not what God sees. Though I may frown with doubt or despair, He smiles with triumphant glory, knowing His grace is sufficient. I sometimes feel a little like Moses, telling God that he's a wuss who can't go back and face Pharaoh. For as much as I may talk the big talk, I feel like my voice is so little, so frail. I suppose that's part of the process, though :)

posted by Bolo | 3:03 PM
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