Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Child's play

It's just past 8:45 am EST. I have until 4:30 pm EST to type out and turn in a 10 page paper on the philosophy of youth ministry. So I guess I'd better get cranking on this blog entry, huh? ;)

It's the nearly the end of my first real semester. Yesterday was a doozy...three finals, something like six essays for Theology I, and a slew of "I think I can's". Various thoughts floated through my head at 2:30 this morning, as I tried valiantly to go to sleep. This semester brings so many mixed emotions to the fore. Deep friendships, sleepless nights and sleepy days, doubt and despair, silly smiles and unexplained tears...they've all contributed to make the past few months memorable. Yet, what do those things mean? What have I learned? How have I been changed? You know, there's so much to sift through.

Monday nights have become special. After sitting through nearly three hours of New Testament Survey with Dr. Deklavon and his endless rows of corny jokes, you'd think I would be done for the day, ready to turn myself in. You'd be right in such an assessment, as most Mondays I felt forlorn and frustrated, wondering if I was really ready in my heart to go into our Dorm Meeting and worship our Lord. The good thing about that? I realized over and over again, I would never be more worthy than I already was, covered by the blood of Christ, and therefore I could be made ready by the grace of God. I could come hurt, joyful, broken, or confused, so long as I came asking God to take me and make me right before Him. Many was the time I entered a dorm meeting not wanting to go in, yet leaving not wanting to go out. Scott and I would take a walk and talk after those sessions with the rest of the student body. Over time, we've gotten to know each other well...sometimes too well :) Once, when trying to protect me from a situation, he deliberately deceived me. I'll never forget when he said to me, "dude...I was just blowing smoke!" I'll love the boy forever for it :)

Much more has transpired this semester...however, being that it's now 4:28 pm EST, and I just turned in my last paper, I'll save writing for a little later...maybe today...maybe is good, though :)

posted by Bolo | 4:28 PM
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