Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Sit there for a moment, don't sneak away just yet. I'd like to ask you a few questions, if I may. I'm wondering what your day was like, if it made you happy or sad. I'm wondering what you're doing right now, other than reading my silly blog. Are you getting ready to eat dinner, or have you just finished eating? Are you at work, or perhaps at school, whittling the time away? Have you just begun your day, or are you nearly finished, ready to give your worn out soul some rest? Still, although though I'd like to know those things, I'm curious about one more thing. I wonder, if like me, you've forgotten what's most important. I wonder, if like me, you feel like you're fighting a fight like the little Dutch Boy, plugging holes in the walls of your heart to keep people from knowing how hurt you are. I wonder, if like me, you feel like you're climbing to get to the top of a mountain that just seems to constantly get bigger.

Do you feel that way? Do you wonder what's the use? I do, too.

I have a friend, a very close friend, who as of late, has been wondering if we're going to remain friends. I know, I know, that sounds somewhat complicated and vague. It's just that he's been hurt a lot, and he's not sure of whom he can trust. He doesn't realize it, but I think of him fact, he's one of the reasons I'm here. He doesn't write me often, but when he does, his pain calls out to's like I can hear him weeping through his words. Sometimes, when I'm tempted to feel sorry for myself, I think of him and I realize that I'm not as alone as I think. I think of him, and I realize that there are lonelier people in this world. I think of him, and I hope he realizes that he's not as lonely as he long as I'm alive, he'll always have a shoulder to cry on.

Anyway, I mentioned earlier that I often feel like I'm climbing a mountain that's constantly getting bigger. You know, it's true; I am. We all have to deal with that mountain in one way or another. Some of us choose to sit, and never begin the climb. Others begin it, but don't finish it. Yet for those of us who do climb, we're often faced with a problem. Sometimes, the mountain seems to be our enemy, and won't let us climb along the path we'd choose for ourselves. We get mad, we throw a fit, but eventually, we must submit to the will of the mountain. And yes, the summit does indeed seem to be ever further off the higher we climb, if there's a summit at all. Yet, that's the beauty of the mountain, for it is ever more grand, ever more stunning than the day before. It is up to us to seek to see the grandeur, and in seeking, to be stunned by it.

posted by Bolo | 10:38 PM
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