Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Only the lonely

For whatever reason, I'm feeling a little lonely tonight. But I'm thinking it's a good thing. No, check that; it's a great thing. I've forgotten the important thing in my life...indeed, the important One...and I'm not sure I like what I've seen in myself recently. I've gotten good grades, I've worked hard at work, and I've been acting (somewhat...hehe) like a responsible adult should. But you know what? That'll get me nowhere. *Sigh*...

Sometimes God gives us loneliness to remind us of something - we're not alone. I've gotten so caught up in myself, so caught up in learning about God, that I've forgotten one thing - God. A while back I wrote about the word "lingering," a word that Jonathan had gifted me with one day. I feel like I've failed to savor that savor God. Oh, how easily I've become caught up in everything all over again!

There's a freedom we are given when God shows us how fragile we are. We are but foolish sheep, constantly wandering astray, constantly in need of our Shepherd's loving care. Oh to be held in the arms of our dear Shepherd once more! God, would you carry me? Would you hold me once again, and not let me run away in my foolishness? Hold me and care for me as only You can...

posted by Bolo | 6:32 PM
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