Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Psalm 91:15 reads:

"He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble;

I will rescue him and honor him."

Today Jonathan and I worked through Psalm 91. When we got to verse 15, we got stuck. What seemed so odd was the very last part, where God says that He will *honor* us. Why so odd? Think about it. What reason can you give to God to *honor* you? Jesus? Sure, His blood covers us, and through Him we are allowed into His presence. But *honored*? That's one of the most absurd things I can think of! I told Jonathan that I'd always felt uncomfortable with the thought of God "glorifying" or "honoring" me when we're all finally in heaven. I mean, I'm uncomfortable with public praise to begin with; can you imagine how foolish I'd feel to be the recipient of glory and honor when I absolutely, positively, do not deserve it?

But that's my flesh talking, the side that cannot comprehend the kindness of God. Jonathan asked me a great question: "if you could have one thing at this moment, just one thing, what would it be?" Easy. A pair of tickets, one to home, one back here. "Why?" he asked. Simple. I want to see everyone, even if it weren't for Christmas, even if just for a few days. Like I told someone a couple days ago: better is a thousand days in Hawai'i than a thousand elsewhere :) Ok, maybe that's not the best interpretation of scripture...sue me! Anyway, his next question went like this: "What would it be like for all your friends and family to see you? Would they not rejoice? Would not their joy be *honoring* to you?" CLICK. I swear, I almost heard the click in my head. I got it.

We then talked about the story of the prodigal son, and how the father ran to his son. The father *ran*. Hebrew fathers in that day didn't run; such a thing was undignified and far below them. Yet this one ran, and such a running is not to be overlooked. Wasn't that running honoring to his son, even though this son of his didn't deserve honor? Absolutely! And so it is with us, when we call upon our Father. He runs to us...He honors us!

A little bit later, we spoke of how easily we take for granted the good things of God because our sin numbs us. I told Jonathan that I was reminded of drinking a fresh cup of coffee. Oh my...soon Starbucks will be getting their gingerbread and eggnog flavors...*sigh*...anyway, where was I? Oh yeah...cup of coffee. Sometimes, in my haste to taste, I won't let it cool, and I'll burn my tongue on the scalding hot liquid. A split second of impatience brings on an entire week of not being able to eat or drink things in such a way that I can enjoy them properly. So it is with sin; we burn our souls and so cannot feast upon the goodness of God, let alone differentiate between what is good and what is not. When my tongue is burnt like that, my taste buds don't work. When my soul is burnt by sin, my ability to be satisfied in God is dried up.

posted by Bolo | 6:14 PM
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