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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Someone brought it to my attention that my previous post was...well...not nearly so clear as I would've hoped. So, consider this to be a bit of an explanation. What follows are several thoughts that may help to shed light onto the canvas of my muddled thoughts :)

First, I didn't mean to convey any irreverence whatsoever for God's word. When I read through scripture, I'm often tempted to ignore what's being said. Who would want to face up to their depravity or the sobering truth of 2 Timothy 3:12, without the hope of the cross and the promises of God's grace? The truths of scripture are indeed comforting, but before they comfort, they must first pierce us painfully. If we are not pierced, we will never truly realize how Christ Himself was pierced. Thus, when I spoke of the difference between God's view and my own, I was speaking of the ongoing struggle I find myself in: the struggle to let go and trust that scripture is Truth, and to revere it as such, despite the horrors I am shown. For if I never face the horrors, I will never see the beauties.

Second, that the reverence for scripture comes not only because it is true, but because it is Truth, and that God has chosen to reveal Himself through it. If God is infinite, then I would venture to say that to look into His word but shallowly is to know and experience God but shallowly, and if knowing and experiencing God (glorifying Him) is the most enjoyable thing we could ever possibly do, then why the heck am I reading my bible only out of guilt that I haven't had my "quiet time" today? That's the most lame-asinine *cough* excuse I could possibly give, and can only begin to imagine the lengths to which God is insulted. That's like a man telling his bride that he married her only because he felt "guilty". We should be approaching God because He is deserving of it, and because we are keenly aware that our desperate souls cannot possibly live without drinking deeply of the Living Water. Doing so out of guilt or duty makes us all the more wretched and sorely misguided, because we are totally missing the point of God's grace: unashamed enjoyment of Him, which is His glory manifest in our lives.

Third, no matter how fully I may plumb or traverse the deep truths of scripture, I will never ever be any closer to discerning the furthest dimensions of its depths than when I'd first begun. Why? If God has seen fit to reveal Himself through scripture, then part of what is to be revealed in scripture is His infinite love, grace, mercy, wrath, justice, kindness, wisdom, humility, majesty, short, His very nature, which is by definition, infinite. If I'm going to be experiencing God, He will forever be unfolding the wonders of His grace to me (Ephesians 2:7). Neato :)

posted by Bolo | 2:01 PM
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