Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



It's November. I'm tired. Someone hijacked my camera today, and I'm quite bitter over it. Ok, not really. I had an interview at Texas Roadhouse tonight; I didn't pay, but I did have the ribeye medium-rare. Charlotte's bitter over my dinner. I don't think there's any way that roach survived after I crushed it with that rather large bottle of laundry detergent. I think I'm quite taken with the littlest nephew's name; Kekaulakuha'oamekanawai is quite a mouthful, but it could have definitely been lengthier. Friendships are indeed to be treasured; great friendships make life a treasure. I would be remiss not to think that my life's not a treasure...and it's definitely not to my credit. I'm going to be in Ohio again in a week, and I'm beginning to wonder if my travels will ever really end. Perhaps the most wonderful thing ever would be to have all of my nieces and nephews come visit me here for a week. Gary's right, it's totally a love-hate cycle we've got going on between us, and neither one of us wants it to stop. I still think of Chriyus sitting in front of me several years ago, telling me, "Johnny, I just wanna be faithful!" He was talking about faithfulness to the LORD in ministry, in life. I still think of how I want the same thing...

posted by Bolo | 12:29 AM
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